Friday, December 4, 2009

Hermès × Tokujin Yoshioka

based on a window display he first presented in 2004, the japanese designer tokujin yoshioka has now restructured it using a japanese actress currently being presented at Maison Hermès, japan. the installation will run from now until january 19th, 2010.
'on designing a window-display of Maison Hermès, I intended to express people’s daily 'movements' with a suspicion of humor. there are moments when I perceive a hidden presence of a person in the movements born naturally in daily life. I created a design where one can perceive someone behind the scarves as if life were being breathed into them. the window is designed with an image of woman projected on to a monitor. the scarf softly sways in the air in response to the woman’s blow. ' - TY

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The climate change

On the initiative of the global coalition and Greenpeace incoming travelers at the airport in Copenhagen, starting today, will be greeted by billboards with fake photo montages of the faces of the aged leader of the world that I apologize for not being able to tackle climate change.

Monday, November 30, 2009

touch&turn cooking system for the blind

From the designboom post:

"menno kroezen is a dutch designer who developed a cooking system for the blind he calls touch&turn. touch&turn features a cooking vessel which is cool to the touch on the outside, much like a slow cooker. the pot sits on a tactile control panel which is designed to be as simple and accommodating as possible. the design was developed specifically for blind and partially sighted people to make cooking a safer and
more pleasurable experience. kroezen worked with users to develop the design which alleviates common problems that occur with traditional stovetops and cookware."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

nikon’s point and shoot digital camera with a built-in projector

nikon coolpix s1000pj - helicopter boyz
The video shows two young japanese boys outfitted with specially designed bodysuits that have been equipped with a series of cameras. each boy is shown taking pictures with the new camera and then the show begins. the boys stand alone on stage with a large screen behind them. they begin to dance at which point their cameras begin projecting images onto the screen. their dancing is translated onto the screen showing the images they took earlier. the performance was created by gt inc. for nikon.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Project H: Design Revolution Road Show

Project H's Design Revolution Road Show is making a stop at CCS on April 1, 2010. Here's a link to a great NYT piece about Emily Pilloton about how and why she started Project H.

Here's a description of the project:
"The Design Revolution Road Show is a traveling exhibition and lecture series bringing “product design that empowers” to 25 high schools and university design programs across the nation in the Spring of 2010. A Project H Design initiative, the road show will feature a biodiesel-powered truck and Airstream trailer exhibition of 40 humanitarian design solutions that have been showcased in the book Design Revolution: 100 Products that Empower People.

The programming will bring the evidence of and tools for design for social impact to the doorsteps of students, with the ultimate goal of enabling and empowering the next generation of creative problem-solvers to apply their skills to the world’s most pressing problems and improve life on a global scale.

We believe design can change the world. Come and see how."

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Is Augmented Reality here to stay?

There's a nice piece in the New York Times Sunday Magazine about Augmented Reality. From the new Yelp iPhone app that allows you to see restaurants' ratings by holding up your iPhone in front of the restaurant while standing in the street, to the new James Cameron film "Avatar" where the action figures from the movie are sold with an AR component. Even Burger King is in on the AR action.

Read the article here.


Friday, November 13, 2009

augmented reality- cyclopedia

cyclopedia is an augmented reality application that overlays information from wikipedia onto the viewfinder. the application uses the iphone camera, compass and GPS to situate the device and combines this with the wikipedia database. by moving your iphone around, wikipedia entries will begin to pop-up. these entries tell you about what you are looking at in reality and link to the full entries on wikipedia. the application also allows you to search wikipedia through google maps, pinpointing each entry as a physical location. there are currently 65,000 entries in wikipedia that have geotagged but any user can add an entry at anytime. via designboom

Thursday, November 12, 2009


From an ecological perspective, CO2 is a byproduct of the living, either directly or indirectly.
From the economic perspective, CO2 may become the world's largest commodity market.
buyproduct by nitipak samsen is a project which aims to criticize the carbon trading system, while letting society know how good we have become at destroying our planet.
overview of poplar's life time CO2 balance

detail of timeline

one problem is how to display the intangible amount of CO2. as part of the buyproduct project, samsen has designed A.T.R.E.E.M. (automated tree-rental for emission encaging machine) a renting meter for a tree to offset a client's carbon footprint. this tree has been grown by a carbon trading company in a nursery and then brought into the urban space, acting as a new carbon sink for customers. the result is a signpost-like object attached to the tree with a tape
measuring the girth of its trunk in order to calculate the growth and CO2 which has been absorbed by it. there is also a tape measure for children which converts how much CO2 is absorbed in the tree into activities rather than grams of CO2. for example, 1 hour on a flight or 2 days of breathing.
the user interface of A.T.R.E.E.M. shows the intangile CO2 in terms of grams and how long it takes a tree to offset that amount (i.e. 10 minutes on tube journey emits 350 grams of CO2, with the tree taking 2 days, 10 hours to offset that amount. this way the user can imagine how good they are at leaving waste to the planet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Social RFID installation

123dv Architectuur & Consult is yet another award-winning – multi-disciplinary Dutch design firm.
A commercial project, the new wing of the Media Plaza in Utrecht, was launched with a high-tech party in October.

I am a Tree

Nicole Dextras

I am a seasonal flower

Emilie Simon - Fleur de Saison

Monday, November 9, 2009

hydroponic project

Looking at how to transform water bottles and window space into a functional garden, this video interviews NYC artists Britta Riley and Rebecca Bray about their hydroponic project called Window Farms.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Literal Loafers

This post is in French, but from what I can deduce, these bread slippers are from the Lithuanian studio Dadada.

The Future of Coffee?

Say goodbye to your barista with BeMoved coffee machine. A touchscreen helps you personalize your perfect cuppa joe. See the article here.


Tech designer Nuno Teixeira has revealed his idea for the Smellit (pictured), an electronic component that hooks up to your DVD player and produces the smells that correspond to the scene you're watching. Of course, Smellit is just a concept for some future technological wonder, but it unlocks all kinds of interesting possibilities.


Chiara Dynys, Born to be confused , 2004

Sakurako Shimizu,1999- 250gram is the average weight of human heart. We usually don’t think of the weight of our heart. Each ring has the same weight of a plants, an animal, a bird, a fish, or an insect.

co-creation + pop up event

A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place perform an unusual action for a brief time, then quickly is organized via telecomunications, social media or viral emails.

Frozen Grand Central

Co-creation + pop up event

The T-Mobile Dance Advertising

Friday, November 6, 2009

kinetic light sculpture

the project was most recently installed in the basilique de saint denis in paris for nuit blanche 2009.
the design consists of fixed and kinetic aluminum frames that can move randomly or be programmed for use as a low
resolution display. the piece is designed as a framework, taking inspiration from software development
frameworks. in the case of the project, the framework is a five by five module which is repeated five times
to create the final form. one side of the work is white, while the other is black. the 125 pixel screen works
on binary language and can transform captured data from the physical environment into kinetic actions.
lab[au]: f5x5x5 via designboom

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Foods That Might Make You Sick via


The Change in Carbon Emissions- via

Transparency: Drinking Water


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Looking Glass concept

Please pay attention to the concept presentation.
Red dot design concept award, designed by Mac Funamizu
(Mac is a nickname)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The “SEED”: an alternative consuming

Nghiem Charlie, 5th year student in Industrial Design has come up with a brilliant idea - to plant trees from chewing gums, saving the nature. He called his concept the “SEED”.The chewing gum is a universal presence in many world cultures. Once eaten, it is either in a bin or under a table or simply on the ground.If every consumer in the world could plant a tree due to the “SEED” we would fight against the massive deforestation and to promote attitudes, involving a new gesture. via

SEEDBOM: grow your bomb

It is an earth-friendly mixture of recycled materials (used egg boxes, shredded office paper and the occasional tea bag, and include organic compost, organic fertiliser) and wildflower seeds. SEEDBOM has a specific bomb shape and is packaged in carton trays. This amazing thing is currently stocking a selection of retailers across Glasgow and Edinburgh.via

Oogst 1000 Wonderland

Here’s the third installment from the Oogst self-sufficient farming project by Dutch designers Tjep, which features a farm, restaurant, hotel and amusement park designed to sustain 1,000 visitors a day.
Like Oogst 1 Solo (a farm designed to sustain one person)

and Oogst 100 Community (designed to house and feed up to 100 people),

this design aims to cater for visitors by providing everything they need and recycling all waste.